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Allied Therapy Professionals, Inc. - Logo
"Caring is Our Passion"
Serving Homestead, Naranja, and Florida City, FL Since 2007


Serving Homestead, Naranja, and Florida City, FL Since 2007
Serving Homestead, Naranja, and Florida City, FL Since 2007
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Customer Testimonials

Here's what customers are saying about Allied Therapy Professionals
Allied Therapy Professionals have been an enormous help in improving my son’s speech. In Pre-K he was struggling to communicate properly, and I was concerned that going into kindergarten he would have a hard time. With the help of their awesome SLP’s he passed on to 1st grade, and is doing great. As parents, we do the best we can to assist our children with their education, but sometimes they need a professional, and I am happy I chose Allied Therapy Professionals

- Elizabeth Andrade (Havier’s Mom)

Your team is very professional in what you do. You are very responsible, and have helped our son Evan a great deal. In your office you have created an extremely positive environment that has helped maintain Evan highly motivated, and focused on reaching his goals. Our family is grateful of your team’s hard work, knowledge, and patience, which has helped Evan not only achieve personal goals, but his academic goals as well.

- Yasmin Hidalgo & Elvis Perez

My name is Corey Thom. My son’s name is Jordan Thom, he is 8 years old. Jordan has been having problems with his speech from the moment he started talking. As he got older it got worse. There were a lot of times he wanted to have a conversation with us, but it was difficult for him so all he did was cry. A few years ago we found Allied Therapy Professionals. They started working with Jordan 3 times per week, and Jordan’s speech began to improve.

After a while Jordan’s speech got even better, and now he only attends therapy 2 times per week, because of his tremendous improvement. The team at Allied Therapy Professionals is doing a tremendous job to ensure that Jordan’s speech is 100%.

- Corey Thom

All well qualified therapists. I am very happy with their service. I definitely recommend Allied Therapy Professionals.

- Brenda Acutin (Giancarlo’s Mom)
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